Tag Archives: graphic designer

When I grow up …

Day 19 of Blog Every Day in May  (Catching up – again)

I’ve been thinking a lot about my future lately – we have quite a few big changes on their way and they are making me doubt myself in many, many ways. So when the blog prompt for Blog Every Day in May was ‘What is your dream job’ I was kind of stumped.

What do I want to do when I grow up? Do I love what I do now? Am I going to be happy being a graphic designer for the next 35 years (or longer if the retirement age keeps changing)? I really don’t think I will be. Don’t get me wrong – I LOVE my job. I love that I get to be creative every single day. I love that I get to see my work published on a regular basis. I love that people like my work. But sometimes the pressure to be creative every single day gets a little bit too much. And sometimes the battles with management over publications are just too great. And sometimes the criticism I received is just too much to bare. And sometimes, being creative every  single day at work stifles my creativity with the many and varied projects I would like to complete at home.

So what would I like to be doing? I don’t think I can actually answer that. I’ve already tried being a secretary for a few years – it was great for a while – but eventually it stopped challenging me, I’ve played in the web domain – that was fun and challenging and creative, and as I’ve already mentioned I’ve been a graphic designer for the past six years. So where too from here? Who knows!

I’m sure when the time is right, the answer will be staring me in the face. And in the meantime I will keep making pretty things I guess.

Dream Job

What is your dream job?